Summary of Facts on the Proposed Rezoning of San Ramon Golf Courses
April 26, 2006
* San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson has said, "Commercial Recreation for the golf courses was decided by the General Plan Committee of citizens." That is a lie! It has been confirmed with five members of that Committee, that Rezoning the golf courses was N E V E R discussed, and never proposed by the citizens on that Committee!
* The Planning Commission requested the Minutes of those meetings to confirm discussion of the golf courses changing from Parks to Commercial Recreation (CR). The minutes showed NO discussion of changing the golf courses to CR. If this really was discussed, then why is it so invisible, and how did it get changed in the General Plan?
* Over 450 San Ramon residents signed Petitions that were given to the Mayor, City Council, and Planning Commission saying NO to rezoning the golf courses from Parks to Commercial Recreation. And, NO to the increased building intensity from .10 FAR to .35 FAR (a 250% increase in building intensity) along with many Commercial Development land uses not even related to golf courses.
* The Mayor, City Council and Planning Commission totally ignored the 450 San Ramon Residents who signed the Petitions to keep the golf courses zoned as Parks. They also ignored the many emails, letters, speakers and over 230 residents at the Planning Commission Meetings. Who are our Elected Officials working for? Are there some hidden motives behind our elected officials?
* Did you know the Planning Commission's Proposed Golf Course - Overlay (.10 FAR) in the Proposed Zoning Ordinance is actually "governed by the Primary Zone of the Commercial Recreation definition in the General Plan 2020." This directly contradicts the purpose of the overlay to keep it protected as a golf course!
* The Commercial Recreation/Golf Course Overlay is NOT effective for protecting our golf courses from development. Once this is voted and approved, it gives the owners NEW entitlements under the law.
* We believe the only way to protect the golf course land as open space and, to keep it zoned as "Parks" undevelopable land) is to bring an Initiative before the voters this November.
* The City Council has only two Public Hearings left before they vote on May 23, 2006 to make it law:
May 9, 2006 at 7 p.m. - Alcosta Community Center
May 23, 2006 at 7 p.m. - Alcosta Community Center
Corrections - To What City Staff Has Said
* The General Plan 2020 and, the Proposed Zoning Ordinance both allow for golf courses to remain as a "Parks" designation, and would be consistent with each other as required by law.
* Our City Staff and Officials say they cannot do a General Plan Amendment to keep the golf courses zoned as "Parks." They have just REFUSED to do one.
* The City is in fact currently proposing TEN General Plan Amendments GPA's; ( mostly to DOUBLE the building density and, number of units allowable per acre in multiple projects; change Open Space and Parks to Residential outside the Urban Growth Boundary; increase the building density to .70 FAR up to Maximum of 1.35 FAR (very similar to the City of Concord); and, give unprecedented authority to the Zoning Administrator without accountability to the people), all in opposition to the voter approved General Plan 2020.
* Golf Courses cannot be counted against the City's required Parkland numbers according to the General Plan. As a result, the City cannot use this argument to disallow golf courses to be designated as Parks.
* Golf Courses are privately owned sites and, "do not have to be land that is owned or leased by the City" according to the General Plan. City staff have miss-quoted the General Plan and, said, "golf courses cannot be zoned as Parks, because they would have to be land that is owned or leased by the City." This is NOT TRUE.
What is going on with our San Ramon Elected Officials? Why are they doing this? Who in their right mind would want to increase the building intensity on golf courses? Is it incompetence or something more sinister? What is their hidden agenda?
Vice Mayor Carol J. Rowley
Councilmember David E. Hudson
Councilmember Jim Livingstone
Councilmember Scott Perkins
San Ramon Council's Email Addresses and Phone Numbers